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The treatment consists of proven practice, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). During treatment, we will focus on complaints (problem focused) as well as strengths (solution focused). 


Regular or online

Regular treatment consists of face-to-face sessions, potentially supplemented with e-health modules. E-health modules can consist of additional (homework) assignments in a safe internet environment. There is also a possibility for online treatment, consisting of sessions, using Skype video. Find more information about Skype hereThe most appropriate form of therapy depends on the complaints, the aim of the treatment and the own preference.

Duration and frequency of sessions
The number of sessions, the frequency and the duration of the sessions depend on the (severity of the) complaints and the aim of the treatment. Short term treatments usually take up between 4 to 10 sessions. This is the case for both treatment with face-to-face sessions and online treatment. 

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